Yakuza Kiwami 2 Announced For PC

Yakuza Kiwami 2, the remake of 2006’s Yakuza 2, will launch on Windows PC on May 9, Sega announced in the newest trailer for the open-world, underworld action-adventure.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is coming to PC for the first time, publisher Sega has announced. The Yakuza 2 remake makes its way to Steam on 9/05/2019, Kiwami 2 first launched on PS4 in Japan at the end of 2017, before coming to the West on the same console in August 2018. May 9 will mark the first time the game has released on any other platform.
Sega says the new version is "fully optimized for PC, including stunning 4K resolution and unlocked frame rates, customizable controls and robust graphics options." In addition, if you per-purchase now, you'll "receive the complete Clan Creator Bundle DLC, including super rare Clan Creator Leaders and Packs, exclusive weapons, outfits and more."
We enjoyed the PS4 version here at GameSpot; critic Edmond Tran awarded it an 8/10 in our Yakuza Kiwami 2 review. "The tale of Tokyo and Osaka, Kiryu and Sayama's partnership, and Kiryu and Goda's rivalry remains one of the Yakuza's best stories, and Kiwami 2's minor missteps don't affect the heart of that experience," he wrote. "The modernization of its presentation and its mechanics elevate it, making it absolutely worth revisiting or experiencing for the first time. Yakuza is an exemplary, if flawed series that does an incredible job of steeping you in contemporary Japanese-style crime drama, and establishing an evocative sense of place. 

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